Dear J (Foreword)

Dear J

Story by Minne-max


Dear J

Jung Yunho x Kim Jaejoong



“ I never teach you to do it Kim Jaejoong”

Jaejoong touch his cheek and look at his mother, then he sigh and sit on the sofa. He lit his cigarette and began to smoke.

“What’s your reason huh?”

“Mom, there is nothing that I could say okay…”

“You should know that you can’t date with married man” his mother yelled at him and sit next to him, he look at the cigarrete and began to smoke like his son did.

Jaejoong smirk “Well Mom, he just felt lonely and I was there to make him happy that’s it”

Kim Kibum blow his smoke and look at him “Yah, it was not reason. You should know who is the one that you can play and not”

“Ohh come on Mom no one knew about it even his wife didn’t realize that he has me” jaejoong laugh little

“Is he rich?”

“Of course Mom…”

“What’s his name?”

Jaejoong took a deep breath and look deeply at his mother eyes “Jung Yunho”


“Yeah, just same like us” he stand up and walk to his room but he stop before he open the door “And he ask us to live in Korea and give me better job”

“WHAT?” Kibum wide his eyes


Kibum look around the city in front of the balcon, he still couldn’t belive after 17 years he comes back to his country. He smile sadly and sip his coffee, he held his tears when he remember all the memories.

“Daddy come on play with me…”

“Daddy look I can draw you…”

“Mom, where is Daddy?”

“He is not you daddy anymore”

Kibum turn around and see his son watching TV while eating the snack “Jaejoong ah….mian”


A 5 years old boy playing with sand on the park, he play alone because he rarely has friend.

“Minnie ah..”

He turn around and see his father smile at him

“Appa…” he run to his father, then he see that his father wasn’t alone. He is with someone, Changmin frown and look at him with his deer eyes.

That person look like a doll with his grey eyes, and her skin look so white and glowy under the sunlight.

Changmin blink his eyes “Beautiful…” he whisper

“Minnie..” Yunho caress his son hair “Say hi to Jaejoong Hyung”

Changmin pout, he is wrong that person is not girl but it’s boy same like him. Jaejoong walk at him and smile sweetly at him, he ruffle Changmin brown hair “Annyeong…”

“Changmin ah introduce yourself” Yunho said

Changmin nodd and bow at Jaejoong “Annyeong Haseyo Jung Changmin imnida” he smile

Jaejoong laugh little and carried Changmin, he pinch his cheeks “Why you’re so cute huh?”

Changmin frown didn’t understand what Jaejoong said because he speak in English.

“The only thing that resemble me is just his brown hair”

Changmin can smell Jaejoong body, so fresh and sweet, he touch Jaejoong face “Hyung, Minnie didn’t understand what you’re talking about. Are you from Kenya?”

Jaejoong and Yunho laugh

“Aniyo sweetheart…” jaejoong shake his head and smile with his beauty smile.

Another Love Story

Another Love Story

By : lady pearl a.k.a minnie-max

another love story

Changmin play with handphone when Kyuhyun still teaching, he keep smirking all of the times because he meet Kyuhyun again after that night.

“So his name is Cho Kyuhyun…” he thought

Then he received a message and read it

From: 09xxxx

Meet me after school

Changmin roll his eyes “Aisshhhh what does he want”

Then his phone was being snatch from his hand, and he see that his teacher looking sharply at him.

“No cell phone in my class” Kyuhyun said

Changmin blink his eyes then he smirk and nodd “Nde songsenim”

Kyuhyun let out his breath and walk away, all his classmate looking at Changmin. But he didn’t care and took out another phone from his pocket.

“Okay we will discuss it tomorrow, so see you next time” Kyuhyun said and smile

“And you Shim Changmin” Kyuhyun call Changmin name

Changmin look at him

“Go to the office after school” then Kyuhyun leave

Changmin nodd then he smirk


Changmin went to the canteen to eat, he look around and spot empty seat. He sit and eat his food then he saw someone that very familiar to him.

“Shit!” he cursed

Then ‘he’ walk at Changmin with cold face

“Shim Changmin”

Changmin continue eating

“You didn’t come to my house yesterday, where were you?”

Changmin look at him then he eat again “I was busy”

“Busy with what?”

“Do my homework”

“Since when do you care about homework?”

“Since yesterday” Changmin smart mouth continue answer without realizing that boy in front of him look at him coldly

“Just tell me the truth, where were you yesterday?”

“Like I said I do my homework Kim Kibum. And stop asking when I am eating okay”

Kibum closed his mouth and waiting him done eating, after 15 minutes changmin done. He walk out from the canteen and Kibum follow him.

“You were with Park Hyunchul right yesterday” Kibum said

Changmin sigh “Who?”

Kibum roll his eyes “Karam”

“Ohh yes I was with him, why?”

Kibum held his hand and drag him out from coridor and now they are in the empty room. Kibum look at him sharply while Changmin just smirk

“Hey if you want to do it, you can just ask me” he said while caress Kibum lips with his thumb

Kibum throw his hand “Shim Changmin”


“Did you cheat behind me?”

“Emmmm no…” Changmin said

Kibum sigh and sit on the chair “I am tired okay…”

Changmin look at him “Why?”

“You keep playing around behind me with a lot of guy and girl. It hurt me you know….” Kibum said

Changmin walk closer at him and caress his hair and kiss his head. Kibum move away from him

“Ohh come on I didn’t have any feeling for them”

“You keep saying that yet you still play around with them”

Changmin sit on the chair and smile “hey I love you”

Kibum keep silent

“they are just a toy to me”

Kibum look at him “What about me? Am I just a toy to you?”

“No, you’re not. You’re special”

“Special? You keep saying that you love me and I am special but you….you still with them everytime I wasn’t around”

Changmin hug him and caress his back “I only love you and no one else okay”

Kibum hug him back




Changmin went to the office just like Kyuhyun said, he open the door and spot Kyuhyun on his seat.

He walk at him and Kyuhyun saw him

“Sit down” Kyuhyun said and Changmin did it

“You knew why you were here right?”


“So I will say it and remember it okay” Kyuhyun said and took out his glasses

“First you are not allow to play a phone when I am teaching, second you should respect me as your teacher and—-“

“okay okay I understand” Changmin cut him off

Kyuhyun gave him his cell phone

Changmin take it and look at him “Don’t you have anything to say…”

Kyuhyun gulp his saliva

“Like……what we did few days ago” Changmin smirk and whisper

Kyuhyun wide his eyes

“I must say that I enjoy it” Changmin said and play with his phone and look at Kyuhyun with seductive smile

“Don’t talk any crap here!” Kyuhyun said

“I got it” Changmin smile then he lean closer at him “Thanks to give me your virginity…” he blew in Kyuhyun ear sexily and get up from the seat

Kyuhyun wide his eyes as he look at him, he held Changmin hand when he was about to leave. Changmin look at him

“Don’t tell anyone about it!”

Changmin smirk “I can’t promise” then Changmin leave

Kyuhyun mouth wide open when he heard it.

Isi Make Up Pouch Saat Mudik


Saya sedang memproses fanfic yang akan saya post buat hari ini, oh iya saya juga akan mebuat fanfic baru yang judulnya “Dear J”. Pasti udah pada tau dong ya ini judul mirip apa? 😀 Yupsss ini mirip sama lagu JYJ. Yang kebetulan juga yang nyanyi si Abang JJ 🙂

Enough with the fic that I will write 😀

Ngomong-ngomong saya belum ngucapin Minal Aidin Wal faizin ya kan buat Umat Muslim sedunia 🙂 . Berhubung lebaran kali ini saya mudik ke desa saya di Bojonegoro Jawa Timur, saya sebagai mahluk tuhan yang rempong selalu deh bawa tas yang isinya mulai dari yang penting sampai yang gak penting 😀

Kali ini saya mau ngebahas tentang make up aja ya 🙂

Soalnya tas saya isinya cukup banyak. Mulai dari perlengkapan mandi, baju ganti, baju lebaran, sepatu, make up pouch sampai daleman 😀

Dan gak asik aja ye kalo saya pamer ntu barang semua 😀 yang bisa menyebabkan huru hara :-3 . Cukup Bang Jaejoong aja yang menyebabkan huru hara di hati saya 😀

ini dia penanmpakan make up pouch saya


Simple kan 🙂

Saya emang gak suka model yang ribet (Soalnya hidup saya udah penuh dengan kerempongan)


Dikit kan 😀 karena saya emang gak suka bawa bawa banyak-banyak. Berat cyinnnnn

Ayukkkk kita bahas satu-satu


1. Himalaya Herbal Neem Face Wash

Ini sabun cuci muka yang bebas sabun 😀 nah bingung kan. Himalaya face wash ini formulanya bebas sabun jadi gak bkin kulit kering, bentuknya gel warna hijau sekilas kayak lidah buaya

2. Vaseline Body Lotion Total Moisture Nourishing

Ini Lotion Yang sedang saya suka saat ini. Melembabkan, wanginya soft dan cepet ngeresap di kulit 🙂 itu penting banget. Secara saya gak suka lotion yang pliket dikulit. Lengket semua berasa gak mandi ;( tapi vaselin ini beneran enak lo. Coba aja deh 😉

3. Milk Cleanser Sariayu Kenanga

Ini milk cleanser favorit saya kami (Saya dan Ibu saya) teksturnya cair semi padet baunya enak J dan daya bersihnya OKE. Saya udah repurchase berkali-kali.

4. Gizi Super Cream

Ini pelembab dari jaman kapan ya….mungkin saya belum lahir juga udah ada. Ibu saya dulu pakai ini 🙂

Pelembab ini enak dan nyaman di pakai, hasilnya matte. Banyak yang bilang gak suka sama baunya. Soalnya baunya bikin pingsan bokkk 😀 tapi saya rasa gak mengganggu kok (Apa hidung saya aja ya yg gak sensi)

5. Bedak TWC Pixy

Bedak yang praktis^^ bikin kulit glowy tapi sayangnya kurang mampu nahan minyak


6. Baking Soda (Pengganti deodorant)

Ini sengaja saya depot ke wadah biar ringkes aja. Saya udah sekitar 2 bulan udah ganti deodorant dengan baking soda. Hasilnya gak berkeringat sampai malam tetep kering ketienya 😀 kalo pakek deodorant biasanya kan suka ada flek di baju ya, kalo pakek ini enggak lo.

7.  Parfume

Ini parfume dari bibit itu loo yang bisa pilih wewangiannya 🙂 wanginya seger


8. Lipstick Revlon Superlustrous 240 Sandalwood beige

Ini lipstik cantik banget warnanya 😀 natural dan gak bikin bibir kering, hasilnya gak matte. Sayangnya cepet ilang kalo buat makan minum. Secara lebaran kan identik dengan makan minum 😀 selain silaturrahmi.

9. Lip Balm Maybelline

Saya lagi punya lipbalm ini doang -____- ini lebih mirip kayak lip ice gitu ada warna semu-semu peach. Lembabnya so so aja

10. Pensil Alis Sariayu – Hitam

Ini pensilnya empuk dan gak bikin alis sakit 😀 harganya murah gilakkk lagi. Itemnya bisa diatur jadi tebel apa tipis, Kalo tipis-tipis warnanya jadi agak abu-abu cakep dehh. kalo tebel juga bagus loo 🙂

11. Unbranded Sikat Alis

Nahhh kalo ini pasangannya si pensil alis 🙂 harganya cuma 5 rebu tapi enak dipakainya. Ada kuas buat lipstiknya juga 😀 asikkkkk

Nahhh sekian post kali ini 🙂 have a good day

Another Love Story (chapter 1)

Another Love Story

by lady pearl a..k.a minnie-max

another love story

A man with blue shirt massage his temple, he look around his apartment and trying to remember anything few days ago but his mind is still blank.

He just knew that he wake up with stranger, a very weird stranger. And he wake up on the bed with him, the stranger. Naked and his body feel sore, he believe that he did something with that stranger but he didn’t remember any of it.

“Gosh, I couldn’t remember anything” he said and drink a water

He tap his finger on the table as he look at paper in front of him

Name               : Cho Kyuhyun

Age                 : 20 years old

Birth date        : February xxxxx

Address                       : Seoul street xxxx

Congratulation you’ve got the job as a teacher in Dong Bang High School, you can start tomorrow.

He smile when he read it, finally after few months become jobless he got a job and it’s mean that he didn’t need to make his parents give him money anymore because he can earn his own money.

He walk out from the kitchen and went to his room and prepare anything for tomorrow like a clothes and books for teaching.

Then his eyes spot photo frame, he smile when he see it. It’s his photo with his boyfriend, they look so happy in the photo. But then he look so sad when he remember what he did that night with stranger, he feel ashame of himself.

“Siwon hyung, mianhae…” he whisper


He heard his phone ringing and see who call him


“Hello Kyunnie, I miss you”

Kyuhyun knew this voice and it’s his boyfriend voice

“Siwon hyung…”

“hey baby I miss you so much”

“I miss you too hyung”

“You know what time is it in here?”

Kyuhyun sit on the bed as he open the book “Molla..”

“It’s almost 1 a.m.”

“Wowww in here is still morning hyung”

He can hear Siwon laugh

“I will coming back in a week”


“Yeah, so tell me how is your day?”

“My day is….best hyung. And guess what? I got a job as teacher” Kyuhyun said happily

“Congratulation baby”

“And I will start tomorrow”

“Wowww Kyunnie you’re the best, oh I am so sleepy and I wanna sleep. Goodnight chagi”

Kyuhyun giggle “Goodnight”

Then the line off, he turn off his phone and lay his body on the bed.

He closed his eyes


Kyuhyun drink in the bar with his friends, actually he didn’t want to come but his friends ask and beg him to come. Because they didn’t meet for so long, so he was come and look at all his friends who almost drunk.

“Kyu ah, why you only drink a little huh”

Kyuhyun just smile

“Yah Kyunnie ah you should enjoy this night”

“Sorry guys I must go home safely so I don’t want to drunk” he smile and look around the bar

Then his eyes spot a boy, he look younger maybe he still in high school, he look so drunk because he drink a lot.

He shake his head as he play with his glass, as the time passed all his friends left one by one. They were go home or went to the room that the bar have.

And finnaly he was alone, he look around then he was about to left. But then a boy come to him holding a bottle of soju.

“Yah wanna drink with me?” the boy ask

And Kyuhyun want to reject it because he didn’t know that boy but he didn’t know why when he saw the boy eyes he feel so amazed. So he just nodd his head

End Of Flashback

Kyuhyun only remember that, and what happen after he really didn’t know.




Today is the first day that Kyuhyun will be teaching in Dong Bang High School, he look around and walk with confident. He see a lot of students in the coridor, but he didn’t care and walk to the head master office.

After he done, he walk to the class that will become his place, he see it and walk in. After he placed the books on the table, he smile in front of the students.

“Good morning everyone”

“Good morning”

“Okay let me introduce myself, my name is Cho Kyuhyun and I will become your English teacher from now on”

Kyuhyun smile and look around all his students, then he spot one student. And he wide his eyes when his student smirking at him.

“Oh My God!” he thought

Then he went to check all his students

“Lee in Young”

The girl raised her hand, he smile and call one by one and the last is

“Shim Changmin…”

Kyuhyun look around and spot a boy that he met few years ago looking at him with smirk on his face. Kyuhyun gulp his saliva as he try to act normal as he can.

“So his name is Shim Changmin” he thought and look at Changmin who still looking at him with stupid smirk around his face


Another Love Story (foreword)

Another Love Story

By  lady pearl a.k.a minnie-max


another love story

 Changmin x kyuhyun

YAOI boys x boys

Rated NC 17


A young man looking sharply at the boy in front of him, he didn’t wear anything except thick blanket that cover him.

“What did you do to me?” he ask

The boy look at him and shake his head “I don’t know, also what happen to me?”

The young man that still look like junior hig school student even thought he already twenty feel something flown out from his bottom, he peek inseide the blanket “Oh My God!” he wide his eyes

“YAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!” he smack the boy

The boy touch his own head as he look at the man

“You!!!!!!!!!!! How dare you touch me!”

“I didn’t touch you, I even didn’t remember anything last night”




A few days later

“Good morning everyone”

“Good morning”

“Okay let me introduce myself, my name is Cho Kyuhyun and I will become your English teacher from now on”

Kyuhyun smile and look around all his students, then he spot one student. And he wide his eyes when his student smirking at him.

“Oh My God!” he thought

Then he went to check all his students

“Lee in Young”

The girl raised her hand, he smile and call one by one and the last is

“Shim Changmin…”

Kyuhyun look around and spot a boy that he met few days ago looking at him with smirk on his face. Kyuhyun gulp his saliva as he try to act normal as he can.

“So his name is Shim Changmin” he thought and look at Changmin who still looking at him with stupid smirk around his face


Song of The Rain (chapter 7)

Song of The Rain

by LadyPearl a.k.a minnie-max

Pairing : Changkyu (GS)

song of

Changmin just standing behind them all day while Kibum try to make Kyuhyun become her model.

“Aigooo why Jaejoong unnie never told me that she has niece that look like model” Kibum said and help Kyuhyun to try her dress.

Kyuhyun feel uncomfortable with it all but she can’t do anything except agree with it. then when Kibum done with it she ask Kyuhyun to get out from the room.

“Aniyoo” Kyuhyun shake her head

“Wae?” Kibum was about to drag her out


“Aishhh” Kibum continue drag her out and Changmin who still standing looking around the boutique surprised when he see them. He wide his eyes when he see Kyuhyun with pink dress that look suit on her body.

Kibum smirk “So what do you think?”

“Beautiful..” Changmin still look at Kyuhyun

Kibum roll her eyes “I mean the dress”

“Oh..” Changmin look at the dress then he went closer and touch the dress “I think it’s not good enough”

“Waeyo?” Kibum pout

“Look at it” he pointed at the flower that print on the dress “It’s really vintage, I mean nowdays rarely use this material for a dress”

Kibum just nodd then she smile at Kyuhyun “You can have it”


“You don’t need to pay” she smile then she went closer at Changmin “And for you Mr.Shim” she tip toe and kiss Changmin lips lightly “Thank you for today”

Kyuhyun who watch it just wide her eyes and held her tears to come out. Owh come on she loved him but he reject her and still her love flowing for him until now.

“I will change first” she went to the room and wipe her tears.

Changmin sigh and look at Kim Kibum who still smirking “What?”

“What do you think of her?”

“Kyuhyun? She is my bestfriend”

“Jeongmal?” she pich Changmin nose “Yah don’t try to ‘playing’ with her”

“She is not a toy…” Changmin said and play with his eyebrow looking at Kibum “Wanna play with me?

She just look at him then she smile “A player like you…I think no”

“Oh come on you like me back then” Changmin smirk and put his arms around Kibum waist

Kyuhyun who just come out from the room surprised seeing them in such that way.

“Upss..” Kibum release him and smile at Kyuhyun

“Don’t mind him!” she said and look at Changmin “He is playboy”

“I’m not” Changmin said then he smile at Kyuhyun “Kyunnie wanna play on the game center?”

Kyuhyun nodd when she heard games, she loved game and loved Changmin at the same time.




Kyuhyun and Changmin laughing and screami at Game Center, they played a lot of games until night.

“Yah Kyu look I got a lot of point” Changmin pointed

“Aishh look I’ve got this King in the prison, so I’m the winner” Kyuhyun smirk and tied her hair.

Changmin smile seeing Kyuhyun play with her games then without he release he caress Kyuhyun hair softly.

“Wae?” Kyuhyun bink

“Ahhh I’m hungry” He pout

Kyuhyun smile and drag him out from the game center, she pout when she see that it’s already late “Aigooo we play too much Min”

“Kajja” Changmin held her hand went to the food court. They sit and order Ramen, Changmin drink soju and give to Kyuhyun but she shake her head.

“Oh I forgot” Changmin hit his forehead “You’re doctor so alcohol is not good for you” he laugh and Kyuhyun pich his arms

Kyuhyun look around then she look at Changmin “Hey I heard from Kibum unnie that you were her boyfriend before”

Changmin touch his neck and look down “Yeah…”

“then why you two break up?” she blink her eyes innocently

“We fight and ending that way” Changmin said softly

“Not because of Victoria?”

“Ahh she just become cameo in our relationship” Changmin laugh little and continue drink his soju.

Kyuhyun bit his lips and look at Changmin deeply “Kibum unnie said that you’re playboy is that true?”

Changmin raised his eyesbrow “Yeah kind of”

Kyuhyun laugh “Yah how can you admitted that you’re playboy to me”

“You ask it” Changmin said and laugh too

Then their ramen comes and Changmin eat it, Kyuhyun just look at it then she smile “If I eat ramen like this, I remember my parents..”

“Wae?” Changmin ask with mouth full with noddles

Kyuhyun smile and wipe the noddles on his mouth “Nothing, Jja we must eat it” then she eat it.


Jaejoong wipe her son mouth that full with chocolate while her son just play with PSP.

“Monnbinnie you keep play with it all day”


“It’s from Kyunnie noona right”


Jaejoong froown and sigh “Aishh you look like her if you keep play with it”

Song of The rain (chapter 6)

Song of The Rain

by LadyPearl a.k.a minnie-max

Pairing : Changkyu (GS)

song of

Kyuhyun wipe her tears away from her face, she is in Choi Siwon car. And siwon right beside her with worried face.

He gave Kyuhyun tissue and she take it “Thanks”

“Can you tell me what happen?” Siwon ask and give Kyuhyun hot chocolate that he bought from the store.

“Nah ah, I’m fine” she smile and drink it

“You know sometimes talk to stranger is okay and make you feel be better” Siwon said and drink his coffee

“Are you stranger?” Kyuhyun ask innocently

Siwon laugh little and ruffle her hair

“So why you cried like that?”

Kyuhyun bit her lips and look outside the window “I’ve got some problem…”

“What is it? are you pregnant?”

Kyuhyun wide her eyes and hit his head “Pabo! Of course not”

Siwon laugh “Then?”

“Yeah….something that makes me cry” Kyuhyun smile sadly “Oh by the way thank for the hot chocolate” she take her bag and was about to leave but Siwon held her hand “I will ride you at home”

“No, I can walk” She shake her head and get out from Siwon car, she wave goodbye at him and walk happily.

Siwon just watch her and smile little.


Kyuhyun got call from Jaejoong, so she went to her autie house. She wear jeans and tshirt with no make up on her face. Well even thought she have a thousand dress in her room, she rarely wear it.

When she arrived at the house, she saw Changmin’s car park accross the house. She sigh and knock the door.

Then the door open reveal boy with only pants and no shirt on his body, Kyuhyun smile evily and ruffle his hair “Yah yadong”

“Aishhh Noona”

She carried him inside and look around “Where is your parents moonbinnie?”

“Umma in he kitchen with Bummie Noona”

“Kibum noona is here?”

“Yups she just come” Moonbin smile and kiss Kyuhyun lips “Noona yah can I play with your psp”

Kyuhyun nodd and pinch his cheek

Then she went to the kitchen and see Jaejoong and Kibum cooking “Adjumma..”

“Kyunnie” Jaejoong smile and wave at her

Kibum turn around then she continue cooking again, Jaejoong give her cookies and she eat it “So why you call me?”

“Hey can’t you see that Kibum is here, so we must celebrate it” jaejoong smile

Kyuhyun just nodd and sit on the chair, jaejoong went to her room and only Kibum and her in the kitchen.

“Unnie how are you?” Kyuhyun ask softly

“I’m fine” Kibum said and still busy with her dish

It’s not like they hate each other but Kyuhyun rarely talk to her so she didn’t know how to start conversation.

“You are in the same campus with Shim Changmin?” Kibum suddenly ask, Kyuhyun frown and look at her.


“How is he? Is he still with Victoria?” she gave Kyuhyun tea

“How’d you know?” Kyuhyun look at her with her big eyes, Kibum just sigh and drink his tea “He was my boyfriend before”

Kyuhyun wide her eyes

“Before that bitch take him away from me” Kibum said and smile sadly “Anyway you will become doctor right” she change her smile and look at Kyuhyun.

“Ahh yes I will” Kyuhyun smile little and drink her tea “Shit! Changmin ah why you have a lot of lover huh? Are you playboy?” she thought

“Actually I still love him” Kibum look around

Kyuhyun just heard her “So Unnie why you two broke up?”

“I saw him make out with that bitch in the corridor of my apartment in LA”

“Really? Is he playboy?”

Kibum shake her head “I don’t know”

“But he was your boyfriend before”

“He was….” Kibum sigh once again and drink her tea “Too tempting”

“You’re right…” Kyuhyun said softly so Kibum wouldn’t hear “And I love him too unnie” she thought.

Kibum look at Kyuhyun then she frown “Wae?”

“Ahh ani, I just think of my project” Kyuhyun smile widely

“Hey Kyunnie wanna go to my boutique?”

“You have boutique?”

“Of course, I just open it and I will give you the dress that will look perfectly to you” Kibum smile

“Ohh Unnie I didn’t wear dress”

“Aishhh a girl must have a dress” Kibum wide her eyes then she smile and took out her phone “I will call Changmin to drive us”

“You still keep contact with him?”

“Yeahh wae?”

“Ahh ani” Kyuhyun look down and bit her lips “Why it hurts so much?”




Changmin still kissing victoria passionately in the back with his hand try to open her dress. Then he feel his phone vibrate and stop his activity.

“Wait baby..” Changmin smirk and took out his phone, he wide his eyes.


“Changmin oddie?”

“My home”

“Oh great, ppali come here I want to go to my boutique”

Changmin sigh and look at Victoria “Aishhh noona yah I am busy…” his hand caress Victoria face. And Victoria kiss his neck, her hand trying to open his clothes.

“Ohh so you’re busy. Okay I will call your mother that you are in Korea is just to meet that girl, have fun and not really to study”

Changmin almost lose his words and he ruffle his hair “Noona yah please…”

“So what’s your answer?”

“Okay okay I will pick you up” then Changmin turn off his phone then he look at Victoria “Mian I must go now”


“I will drive you to your apartment” and Changmin went to the driver seat and began to drive


Kibum smirk and look at Kyuhyun “Ppali we must prepare” she run at her room. She frown didn’t understand it all. So she continue drink her tea.

She look at her watch then she heard the door being knock.

She saw Kibum done with her outfit and drag her to open the door. Kyuhyun wide her eyes when she saw Changmin standing in front of the door with his Oh MY sexy look.

Kyuhyun gulp her saliva and just watch her.

“Kyu?” Changmin blink his eyes then she look at Kibum

“She is my sister niece” Kibum took out her phone and look at Changmin “I smell woman parfume around you” she blink innocently and Changmin only roll his eyes drag Kibum in his car “ppali noona ya”

Kibum wave at Kyuhyun to follow her. She just look at them and smile sadly

‘Back Seat’ JYJ (In my opinion)


Para penggemar JYJ pasti udah pada tau dong kalo mereka come back album ‘Just Us’ dan MV terbaru mereka ‘Back Seat’

Jujur saya sempat kesusahan buat download lagu sama MV nya kemaren, terus tadi siang saya coba buka lagi dan AYEEEEEEE finnaly I can download it all 😀

Saya sempet jerit-jerit kayak orang kesurupan pas tau Mv nya 🙂 Ya Ampyunnn mereka kisseu kisseu sama cew di dalem mobil

Ehh pas tau arti lagunya ternyata lagunya itu ngajakin cew bobok bareng di mobilnya Jaejoong, Junsu, Yoochun 😀 Aduhh siapa juga yang gak mau

Terus ada dance-dance mereka yang menurut saya cukup keren lo. Kayak sensual dancing tapi dengan beat cepat. Apalagi Jaejoong, aduhh gilakkk mimisan liat dancenya. Dia kalo lagi nge dance sambil nyanyi gitu suka smirking smirking GeJe tapi tetep cool :-* lup you so much dehh bang JJ.


Kalo Junsu tetep yee kan badannya udah bentuk S line gitu jadi diapa apa in juga kalo pas dia nge dance jadinya yahud banget. Suaranya juga bagus 🙂 merdu~~~~ ala-ala bombay


Nah paling spesial (gak pakek telor) si Bang uchun alias Yoochun. Alamakkkk dia kalo udah adegan make out sama cewek di MV. Busettt menghayati banget 😀 . Terus dia kan ngisi suara intro di lagunya kan, suaranya berat-berat sexy gitu deh. Aduhh cocok banget si bang Uchun ini.


Over all kesuluruhan MV Back Seat ini bagus dan bener-bener gak kayak Kpop. Kan udah pada tau dong ya kalo Kpop itu identiknya kayak apa. Dan JYJ ini salah satu dari boyband yang bener-bener beda dari Kpop. Mangkanya saya juga sempet ngak ngeh sama konsep-konsepnya. Tapi entah kenapa tetep aja itu yang buat JYJ Cool abis.

Salut deh buat JYJ 🙂


Song of The Rain (chapter 5)

Song of The Rain

by LadyPearl a.k.a minnie-max

Pairing : Changkyu (GS)

song of


Victoria take out her phone and try to call Changmin few times, but he didn’t pick up her call. She sigh and sit on her sofa. She bit her lips and look at her shopping bag then she throw her phone on the table.

“Aishhh I don’t like it”

“It’s not for you”

“Then for who?”

“For Kyuhyun”


“Yes, she like that movie and I’m sure she will like this too”

“Shim Changmin”

“Aishhh” ……..“What’s it Victoria Song?”

“I’m your girlfriend, and why you think about another girl when we are on date huh?”

“I’m not, I just buy this for her that’s it”

She took out all her things from the bag “How can you think of her when you’re with me?” then she smile when she saw her favorite brand of bag on her hand, she didn’t need to buy it from her own money because Changmin already bought this for her.

She was happy received all of this and when she remember Kyuhyun. She frown “What if she take Changmin away from me?”


Kyuhyun and Changmin ending their kiss, they look at each other and Changmin hug her. Kyuhyun wide her eyes when Changmin hug her again, in these past few years she missed him.


“stay still…” Changmin whisper

And Kyuhyun only blink her eyes and hug him back, she smile and want to cry when she remember that he wasn’t hers.

Changmin wasn’t blink and he knew that until now Kyuhyun still love him. But he pretend to didn’t know because he don’t want to hurt her. She was his bestfriend and if they are dating maybe she will be hurt of his action or his words.

He just didn’t want Kyuhyun to be hurt

“Changmin ah don’t make me think that you’re in love with me…” Kyuhyun said softly

Changmin could hear that and only caress her hair

“You have Victoria”

Changmin stop his action and release her from his hug, he remember that he has girlfriend. And his girlfriend won’t be happy if he act that way toward his friend.

“Mian Kyu…”

“Shhh it’s okay” Kyuhyun smile and hug the doll “Anyway thank you for the doll”

Changmin smile and caress her hair “I didn’t met you in 3 years and you can change so much”

“Change?” Kyuhyun frown

“You’re more feminim than the last time we met”

“Jeongmal? Am I pretty?” Kyuhyun ask

“Yeah…” changmin examined Kyuhyun from head to toe “Well I must say that you look more chubby” he laugh

“Aishhh Chwang” Kyuhyun pinch his arms and pout then she gave him cola “Yah drink it and after that we must battle”

“Oh oh you want to defeat me?” Changmin raised his eyebrow “Okay I will make you lose this time”

And they play ps all day




Changmin write all the teacher said, he choose bussiness as his major because his parents want him to become businessman.

Then he felt his phone vibrate, it’s call from Victoria. He sigh and didn’t pick his phone up.

“Okay any question so far?”

Changmin just keeep silent all the times in his class, he knew that every girl in his class talking about him. But he didn’t care.

“We will discuss it tomorrow. So bye” the teacher leave and Changmin also get out from his class. Actually he is boring in his class about the concept or whatever is that Well he almost graduated next year so he must bear with it.

Then he see Kyuhyun read a book while she walk. He smile and run at her “Kyu”

“Oh Min..” Kyuhyun smile and continue read her book

“What do you read?” Changmin put his chin on her shoulder

Kyuhyun just smile and ruffle Changmin hair “You won’t understand it”

Changmin pout and hug her from behind, he walk following Kyuhyun. Lucky him, Kyuhyun is higher than almost every girl in the campus so he won’t fall. The corridor almost empty because it’s 4 p.m.

“Your girlfriend will be mad at you if you continue act this way” Kyuhyun said

Changmin put his arms around her “Wae?”

“Because you flirt with another girl” she pinch his arms

“Aishhh Kyu it hurt”

Kyuhyun just smile then she saw Victoria walk at her direction

“Your girl” Kyuhyun release Changmin arms from her and walk foward, he see Victoria but somehow he felt she is mad because her face look so red.


“You bitch!” Victoria slap Kyuhyun face

It makes Kyuhyun and Changmin shock

“Vic, what are you doing?” Changmin help Kyuhyun “Gwenchana?”

Kyuhyun just nodd then she look at Victoria “Yah what’s wrong with you?” she wide her eyes

Victoria smirk then she pointed at Changmin “You try to seduce my boyfriend right”

Changmin frown “Vic, you are just misunderstanding” he still try to be calm

“Oppa she try to take you away from me” She said and look at Kyuhyun sharply

Kyuhyun sigh “Hey Song Qian you and your stupid brain is wrong. I never seduce or want to take him away from your side”

Changmin rasied his left eyebrow “Your name is Song Qian?” he ask innocently out of topic

“He is my bestfriend and forever will be my bestfriend” Kyuhyun said and touch her cheek then she walk at her and slap her “And now we are fair” she smirk and walk away leaving Changmin and Victoria

“Oppa she slap me” Victoria sulking and held Changmin arms, Changmin just watch Kyuhyun away. Then he look at Victoria “What’s wrong with you vic?”

“I’m jealous, you are more closer to her than me”

“You shouldn’t did it, she is my friend since I was kid. How could you slap my friend”

“Then…” Victoria began to closer at him “Kiss me”


“Kiss me so I could belive that you’re not cheating with her” Victoria said it out loud so Kyuhyun could hear it. Changmin turn his head toward her and kiss her lightly

Kyuhyun stop her steps then she turn around and he could see they are kissing. He feel knife stab her heart and she run away from that place with tears flowing from here eyes.

Victoria just smirk “He is mine…” she thought


Kyuhyun stop her steps and wipe her tears, she try to not cry “It hurts Changmin ah” she held her hand tightly try to not make any sound.

Then she feel someone tap her shoulder and she turn around. She saw Siwon smile at her “Hey what are you doing here?” he ask still with his warm smile

Kyuhyun didn’t know why, but suddenly she hug him and cried on his chest. Siwon wide his eyes when he see Kyuhyun cry.

“Kyu what’s wrong?” he ask but Kyuhyun didn’t answer him only cried.

Siwon caress her hair and try to comfort her “Sshhh it’s okay…”

Song of The Rain (chapter 4)

Song of The Rain

by LadyPearl a.k.a minnie-max

Pairing : Changkyu (GS)

song of


Victoria bring all her shopping bag with her friends around her.

“hey Vic where is your boy?” Jessica ask as she look around

“Molla, he is in home maybe” Victoria said

“Aigoo you’ve got Hot Boyfriend Vic, Lucky you”

Victoria just smile “Of course, don’t you know he is rich too”


“Yes and he comes here just to be closer with me”

Jessica just nodd then she too out her phone “Woww Cho Kyuhyun become number 1 in her class again this year” she read in the twitter

“Really? Aigooo she is so cleaver”

Victoria look at them then she take a look at Jessica phone “Cho Kyuhyun?”

“Yes, she is popular among the boys and teacher”

Victoria frown “What’s make her popular?”

“Aigoo Vic, you don’t know?”

Victoria nodd

“Cho Kyuhyun is really genius, she win in every olympiad” Jessica said

“And also she is quite beautiful” Tiffany add

Victoria just look at Kyuhyun phot, well she must admit it that she look beautiful even without make up on her face.

“Between her and me, which one is beautiful?” victoria suddenly ask

Jessica and tiffany laugh “Aigooo Vic, ofcourse she is more beautiful than you”

Vitoria pout “Why?”

“Look at her, she didn’t wear any make up on her face. And see she is beautiful” tiffany said

“Do you have boyfriend?”

“Kyunnie didn’t have any boyfriend”

“I’m still single”

“See I told you Kyunnie didn’t have boyfriend because she is…”

Victoria remember it clearly that Changmin didn’t finish his words. She didn’t know why but the way Changmin talk about his friend Cho Kyuhyun it was different.

“Changmin ah…” she thought


Changmin wash his car today while listening music. He look at the right side finding his neighboard clean the house.

“Jae Adjumma” he call


“Where is Moonbin?”

Jaejoong sigh and look around “he is out with his father, fishing” she smile

Changmin nodd “Adjumma why Kyuhyun not living with you?”

“Ohh Kyunnie said she want to be independent and also her parents gave that apartment to her” Jaejoong said and smile “Oh Changminnie you’re in the same university like her right?”

“Of course Adjumma” Changmin smile

“What do you think about her?” Jaejoong smirk

“She is….” Changmin stop his sentence “She is quite pretty and smart too” he smile and wash his car again

“Aigooo only that?” she ask

“Yeah…” Changmin laugh little “Why?”

“Are you not interested at her?”

Changmin look around then he smile nervously “Ani, she is just a friend to me. Beside I already have girlfriend. Her name is Victoria”

“Owhhh Jeongmal? Is she pretty?”

“Yes she is”

“Between Kyunnie and her which is the most beautiful?” Jaejoong ask

“Ofcourse Kyunnie…” Changmin closed his mouth with his hand and Jaejoong just laugh

“Aigooo Minnie ah~” she smirk and went inside her house

Changmin sigh and continue was his car “Aigoo why I suddenly said that?” he thought

Then his phone ringing, he took it out


“Hello Oppa”

Changmin knew it was Victoria “Nee chagie”

“Oppa can you come to my apartment?”

“What’s wrong?”

“I need your help”

“Ohhh okay, wait me”

Changmin sigh and continue was his car.




Kyuhyun clean her apartment and listening music, she pout when she see still untidy her kitchen. Even thought she rarely cooking, she still clean it up.

Knock knock knock

She stop her activity and look at the door, she sigh and walk to open it.

Then when she saw who it was, she wide her eyes “Changmin….”

“let me go inside Kyu…” Changmin said with such tired voice, and Kyuhyun let him enter her apartment.

Kyuhyun frown and sit next to him “What happen?” she touch his shoulder

“I’m so tired, I think I will be dead” Changmin said

Kyuhyun run to the kitchen and give him a water


“Tell me what happen?” she ask and wipe his sweat with tissue


Changmin arrived at Victoria apartment and knock the door, then Victoria come out with her pretty dress. Changmin frown and just look at her.

“Aigooo Changminnie oppa, ppali” she drag Changmin out from her apartment’s door.

“Wait…” Changmin held her hand “You said you need my help?”

“Yeah, and you must help me to go shopping today” She smile sweetly and it makes Changmin just drop his jaw and walk to follow her.

—-15 minutes later—–

Changmin and victori arrived at the mall and she continue drag Changmin to every store that she want.

Changmin just roll his eyes everytime she ask him to pay her dress, shoes or anything that she touch. But he couldn’t say no because she is his girlfriend right.

Then when they are walk near doll shop, Changmin stop when he see ‘cute’ doll he think. He ask victoria to go inside and she happily nodd thinking maybe Changmin will buy her a doll.

But she was wrong, Changmin take scary doll Chucky. A dool that kill family in the movie.

“Aishhh I don’t like it” she pout

“It’s not for you” Changmin still smile and take another doll, it was like doughnut

She frown “Then for who?”

“For Kyuhyun” Changmin said still with smile, she raised her right eyebrow “Kyuhyun?”

“Yes, she like that movie and I’m sure she will like this too” he show the doll

“Shim Changmin” Victoria yelled in his ears

“Aishhh” changmin closed his ears “What’s it Victoria Song?”

“I’m your girlfriend, and why you think about another girl when we are on date huh?”

“I’m not, I just buy this for her that’s it” Changmin said with innocent face

“I hate you” then she left him alone in the doll shop.

Changmin just look at her and pay the doll “What’s wrong with her?” he thought

End of Flashback

Kyuhyun hit his head “Aishhh why you’re so stupid?”

“Aisshhh Kyu no need to hit my beautiful head” Changmin said and touch his head

“She is mad at you” Kyuhyun wide her eyes

“Why she mad at me? It must be me, she makes me tired and so poor with her shopping bags”

Kyuhyun roll her eyes “Aigoo Minnie ah, she is mad at you because you think of another girl when you two have a date”

“I’m not, I just buy this for you” Changmin gave her a doll, Kyuhyun look at it then she look at Changmin with her doe eyes.

“For me?”

Changmin nodded and smile “Take it”

Kyuhyun hug the doll that look so scary for the other then she look at Changmin “You think of me when you are on date?”

He nodd and ruffle her hair “Yes..”

Kyuhyun hold Changmin hand and look at him deeply “Why you think of me?” she ask

Changmin just look at her and move closer at her still looking at Kyuhyun eyes.


Their nose touching

Kyuhyun and Changmin still look at each other eyes, no one know who is the one that make a move but they kiss.